quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Well well well...

Well, I had a good day today. People may think it's nerdy, but I love the feeling that I'm learning something new, or when you know you're doing well on a test, but at the end you just say you went bad so that you doesn't seem you're showing off your intelligence. Seriously, I don't think I'm the brilliant person ever, but I aint stupid also. Not a Victoria, but neither a Gustavo. I just like being nerdy, and knowing random facts, and having good grades. I'm really competitive, and nothing gives me more pleasure, besides lu, than being the best at something. And that's one of the reasons I'm never satisfied with a 99, but only with an 100. Well, this was a very sincere moment. Well, if you read this, you might think I'm a show off, or that I'm a fool, but that's the way I am. Really competitive, so don't mess around with me.

Bien, aujourd'hui je pense que j'ai reussi mon controle d'anglais, bien sur. Mais le probleme est que je besoin être le meilleur de la classe, et ça impose beaucoup de pression sur moi. Et en plus, Thea ne peut pas avoir une note plus haut que moi, parce que elle pense qu'elle est meilleure que moi, mais la vrairité est que je suis beaucoup meilleux. Elle fait le cours de français a 8 ans dejá, et moi, à 8 mois, et nous avons presque toujour la même note. Donc, suck that Thea. Nous avons le même 12 en français aujourd'hui.

2 comentários:

  1. tu ne veux pas etre une "victoire", parce que victoire est tipo "ooh objet brillante" et bye bye etudies ):

  2. mas você adoraaava a Thea! hahaha

    I GIVE YOU PLEASURE. :) that line made me laugh
